Home India Olympics 2036

Olympics 2036

Sports Olympic 2036
Conceptualized Sports Enclave in Ahmedabad for the 2036 Olympics. The Venue includes - 50,000-seat football stadium, 10,000-15,000-seat tennis center, 2 new multipurpose arenas above 15,000 seats 12,000-seat aquatic center.

India hosting the 2036 Olympics in BJP’s 2024 general elections manifesto wasn’t taken seriously because CAA in BJP’s 2014 manifesto is still in the cooking pot. But now PM Modi announced on August 15 that India will host the 2036 Olympics. This is assuming India will be best suited economy-wise in 2036. Modi had said in a pre-election rally India’s current 8.2% growth is “only a trailer”. PEW Research Centre (whatever bias) says

while Subramanian Swamy, quoting RBI, writes India’s annual GDP growth since 2014 is barely 5% and since 2016 3.7%

Are we ignoring dangers of  overpopulation and economic setback in event of war, which is inevitable, especially with India’s low priority for defence; poor budget, little military modernization, Agniveers (not in police/CAPF) to save money (losing manpower advantage over China), reducing more military manpower, with Defence Minister Rajnath Singh refusing to disclose manpower shortages quoting national security.

Instances of Agniveers looting shops at gunpoint signals the social insecurity this harebrained scheme has created with more to come. But politicians ensconced in layers of security care two hoots.

Part of Rajnath’s mission to America in September 2024 is to try and get some GE F-404 engines, non-supply of which has stymied our Tejas Mk-1 program. But he is deaf to Senator Bernie Sanders saying, “If you think it’s too expensive to take care of veterans, then don’t; send them to war.” Unfortunately, our frogs in the well think there will be no war and we can “purchase” peace from China. NSA Ajit Doval was more explicit speaking at the police academy in 2014 that there will be no war and everything is to be done by the police.      

Hosting 2036 Olympics will be good for hotels/business/trade and political ego, but how many medals will we win, with our then 152.2 crores population?

With 144 crores population, we won six medals (one silver, five bronze) in Paris having sent 117 athletes and 140 officials. Sports Minister Mansukh Mandaviya boasted spending Rs 2 crores on Manu Bhaker (moment she won medals – is this in good taste?) and Rs 70 lakhs on Vinesh Phogat but was caught sharing breakdown of money ‘supposedly’ spent on Vinesh that included a physiotherapist, whereas no physiotherapist was provided.

PT Usha, who came “4th in 400 metres hurdles” in 1984 LA Olympics, was appointed President, Indian Olympic Association (IOA) 40 years later in December 2023 (to influence 2024 general elections) made NO effort to provide  physiotherapist to Vinesh, also abdicating all responsibilities in Paris.

Now Ashwani Ponappa has exposed lies of the sports ministry claiming Rs 1.5 crore was spent on her. Obviously the administration is diverting bulk of the money, filling individual pockets plus contributing substantial amounts to the political party. Interestingly, a social media post says: number of players at Paris Olympics – Gujarat 01, Haryana 24; Medals won – Gujarat 0, Haryana 7; Sports Budget granted – Gujarat Rs 500 crore (20%), Haryana Rs 60 crore (2%).

Corruption is rampant in government institutions and the government machinery; of many varieties – money making, bribery, you scratch mine I scratch yours, whatever. An advocate has unveiled the latest achievement of Rajnath Singh.

Government claims India has a major say in world affairs. Perhaps this is also because of instances like US-Westerners saying Modi can bring peace in Ukraine – while US-NATO-EU are doing everything possible to escalate the war on Russia using Ukraine as proxy? In fact, Modi is visiting Poland-Ukraine at a time when NATO troops are attacking Kursk.

But considering that Vinesh Phogat was first Indian woman  wrestler to reach Olympics final, shouldn’t we have exerted our “global clout” to help her or did we use that clout to make sure the verdict on her appeal doesn’t come before August 16? Modi’s advisers did post a message of sympathy for Vinesh on his behalf on X, which instead may have been a telephone call from him if it was another wrestler.

The narrative is rules being so strict, even 100gms overweight means disqualification. But then with a Special Arbitrator appointed, the verdict should have been instantaneous, not delayed thrice to avoid Vinesh’s presence at events in India for the Olympians including on August 15.

Isn’t this a case of politicians putting themselves above the nation? Little wonder one post on social media reads: “When power goes to the head, it is directly proportional to the brain dislocating to the backside.”     

According to a report in Business Standard, only 10.4% “mapped and completed sports infrastructure” covering all States and UTs are meeting Olympic standards. Of course more are coming up but considering the all pervasive corruption and colossal money that can be made from these construction projects, hopefully these will ”actually”  be world class, not completed hurriedly for inauguration by   politicians, and can withstand incessant rains with drastic changes in weather, lest we get embarrassed by flooding and leaking roofs (as witnessed this year in the country)  during Olympics,

According to media reports, White-Collar’ job growth in India has dipped 50% in five years; reduction in both permanent and contractual jobs and on a standalone company basis, net employment fell in six firms including Infosys, ABI and HCL Tech in FY24 over FY 23.  This is good news but isn’t it high time we address the ‘White-Pajama’ job growth in the sports setup if we want to do well in future Olympics.   

Of the 33 Sports Federations in India, only Hockey and Athletics reportedly have Presidents who are sportspersons. Balance 31 Presidents are politicians (white-pajama). Defence Minister Rajnath Singh’s son, Pankaj Singh is President of Cycling Federation of India. Similarly, Senior Vice President or Honorary Secretary General (except Athletics and Table Tennis) – 31 are held by politicians. In addition, there are 63 Vice Presidents, of which 57 are politicians and 6 sportspersons. This total alone adds up to 119 politicians. Archery, Boxing, Weightlifting, Swimming sports bodies are entirely Politicians; no sportspersons in the governing body. Why then are we surprised about winning only six medals in 2012 London Olympics and 2024 Paris Olympics, and only time seven medals in 2020 Tokyo Olympics? 

With main focus on winning elections, acute difficulties of the prime minister to keep the “flock” together in an environment where politicians switch parties in a jiffy are well understood. To keep them in line they are given jobs where they can make “extra” bucks over and under the table. But why keep undermining our sports potential?

Government should establish a ‘Smart Chintan Ministry’ comprising these 119 white-pajamas to re-establish “Akhand Bharat”; undoing British butchery of partitioning India seven times in 61 years; Afghanistan (1876), Nepal (1904), Bhutan (906), Tibet (1907), Sri Lanka (1935), Myanmar/Burma (1937 and Pakistan (1947). Rajnath Singh (of Kadi/Ghor Ninda fame) is best suited to head this ministry. He would not even lose one inch territory of Akhand Bharat while leading the conquests with released Agniveers. The Cycling Federation could be in support; since nothing is heard about them, perhaps they are developing hypersonic cycles that may even be invisible.  

Finally, plenty of preparation is needed even for the 2028 LA Olympics, where a medal in cricket may not be guaranteed given the politics in our team selection. Complete overhaul of our sports setup is warranted on an immediate basis if we want to perform well in future Olympics. This should be a matter of Izzat (honour) for India. Few suggestions were given in these columns earlier, rest is up to the powers that be.

The author is an Indian Army veteran. Views expressed are personal.

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