The Corona virus Pandemic that has created a devastating impact on the economies of the nations around the world and has pushed the global economy to a great recession should be taken as a great opportunity by the young inspired minds rolling out of the universities to cause a major transformation of the world in which we wish to live Post COVID-19.
The Nations of world should come together and work together and fight the common enemy that is Corona Virus, said Nobel Laureate of Peace Prof Muhammad Yunus while delivering his webinar address organized by Amity University Gurugram today, 19th May 2020.
Addressing the youth of the world, Prof Yunus reminded that earlier generations never had this great unique opportunity that has come to our doorstep due to Corona Virus crisis that resulted in shut down of factories, closer of businesses and bringing to a grinding halt the wheels of power that were hallmark of immense mobility in all nations of the world. This is unparalleled in the history of modern human race, but is a blessing in disguise.
The Corona Pandemic has forced millions and millions of workers to walk back to their villages as a result of prolonged Corona Virus lockdown. Prof Yunus advised these creators of wealth not to return to world they have left behind, rather use their power of skills and expertise to create a new world of bliss and happiness in their villages in rural India.

A champion of the cause of social business and entrepreneurship of the masses Prof Yunus considered this as a great opportunity to take a great learning from the world the workers have left behind that was based on massive migration of workforce from village to the urban centres of production and businesses.
The great damage this kind of development has done to uproot people from their roots and to cause an unpardonable damage to environment is something that must compel the policy makers and planners to rethink better ways of planning for social businesses and creating a new world at places of the origin where the workers are returning to.
The young inspired minds which countries like India and Bangladesh have in plenty should go out into the rural area and create abundance of job and business opportunities in rural areas to create new waves of economic development for a new and better world that would be free from massive unemployment and without heavy penalties on the environmental health.
Recalling the great advancement of Science and Technology and the rapid development that had taken place through urbanization based economic system, Prof Yunus minced no words in saying that these economic models have resulted into a great economic divide and have done a great harm to the environmental health. This can be corrected and the opportunity to do so is right here at this moment that the workers have returned to their natural habitat in the villages in the rural areas. Microfinancing, social entrepreneurship and integration of advanced technologies together shall create the business with Aatmiyata that will ensure inclusive development in which that no one is left behind, opined Prof Yunus.
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Coming heavily on the health care and the pharmaceutical sector Prof Yunus expressed his grave concern that the Vaccine for Corona Virus could fall into the hands of mega business companies that may use their monopoly to mint money from the vaccine as it would be required by millions of people around the globe. He was also quite concerned that the healthcare has become a great business and the medicines are day by day becoming more and more expensive making healthcare beyond the reach of billions of poor people around the world.
“Declare Corona Virus Vaccine as Global Common Good” and make it available through social businesses for the people of the world at large and let the medicines not to be treated as business for profit but the business to save lives of people. Prof Yunus was delivering his lecture on “Rebuilding a Better World – Social Business during COVID Times” as a part of the Amity Eminent Webinar Series that was attended today by thousands of participants from India and as well as from around the world.
Founder President of Amity Education Group Dr Ashok K Chauhan and Chancellor of Amity University Haryana Dr Aseem Chauhan were also present in the Webinar that was moderated by Prof PB Sharma Vice Chancellor, Amity University Haryana. Dr Sanjan Vij coordinated the webinar for which excellent IT support was provided by Dr JS Sodhi and his team.
Amity University Haryana and Amity University Rajasthan both have established Nobel Laureate Prof Yunus Social Business Centre in their campuses. Under the Centre in collaboration with Prof Yunus we have mounted a number of initiatives that include sensitizing our students about social entrepreneurship, adaptation of villages for promotion of social business and to work relentlessly for the wellbeing of those at the bottom of pyramid and make them entrepreneurs of the new age said Dr Aseem Chauhan in his opening remarks at the Webinar.
Founder President Dr Ashok K Chauhan expressed his gratitude to Nobel Laureate Prof Yunus for connecting with Amity University with Aatmiyata and announced that at every convocation of Amity University Haryana and Rajasthan we shall award and recognize the best student for his contributions to promotion of social business and rural entrepreneurship.
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