SRCC Children’s Hospital managed by Narayana Health has performed one of the rarest of heart surgeries in the world on a 45 day old baby boy who hails from Sangli, District, in Maharashtra. The surgery was performed successfully at a time when the prevention and treatment services for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have been severely disrupted since the COVID-19 pandemic began.
Narayana Health SRCC Children’s Hospital
The most critical aspect of this surgery was that the baby suffering from diagnosis of d-transposition of great arteries with regressed LV, the operation in an ideal situation should have been done within first 2 weeks since birth, otherwise one of the main pumping chamber of the heart starts failing. Since the kid was already one & a half month old, the team of specialist doctors at SRCC Children’s Hospital had to immediately consider surgery and operate on the child, knowing the seriousness of child’s condition.
Dr. Pradeep Kaushik, Senior Consultant, Cardiac Surgery – Paediatric, SRCC Children’s Hospital managed by Narayana Health said, “Initially, when baby was first diagnosed with transposition of great arteries – where the two main arteries come out from a different heart chamber are reversed and the body doesn’t get oxygenated blood. But there was a further shock: a scan revealed another severe heart condition – infracardiac Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection (TAPVC). Here, the vessels carrying purified blood from the lungs drain through the liver. So as a whole, firstly body was getting only impure (deoxygenated) blood repeatedly, secondly whatever purified (oxygenated) blood was coming through lungs was not connected to heart and draining via liver. Hence baby was very blue on arrival to our center.
The procedure performed is first in India and only one more reported case from in the world with a combination of these two conditions who survived similar procedure post-surgery,” Dr. Kaushik, further added.
Doctors from Sangli Hospital, Dr. Sachin Salunkhe, General Surgeon, took extra effort in this lockdown to send the child as early as possible to Mumbai for further treatment.
Dr. Laxmikant Magdum, Medical officer in Sangli, said, “When the kid arrived at the hospital, the oxygen level of the baby was only at 40% which in normal condition required is 100%. And sending them to Mumbai was a challenge due to the lockdown. The 108 ambulance service stepped in. Also, after negative COVID-19 tests, the parents and infant left for Mumbai for treatment at SRCC Children’s Hospital.”
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The surgery lasted for 8 hours in which they corrected both the complex condition of the heart. The main blood vessels were re-implanted on to the correct chamber (Arterial Switch Procedure) and blood vessels carrying pure blood were reconnected to the heart (TAPVC Repair). Gradually the kid recovered and was discharged in good condition, two weeks after the successful procedure.
About Narayana Health SRCC Children’s Hospital
SRCC Children’s Hospital located at Haji Ali Park in Mumbai central is a 207-bed tertiary care facility offering multi-specialty services exclusively for infants, children and adolescents. It is managed by Narayana Health with strong credentials in pediatric care backed by SRCC – an institution renowned for serving the needs of children with physical challenges. Designed on international standards the hospital offers affordable, yet world-class medical care with all super-specialties under one roof apart from a complete set of rehabilitation programs.
About Narayana Health
With all super-speciality tertiary care facilities that the medical world offers, Narayana Health is a one-stop healthcare destination for all. Founded by Dr. Devi Shetty and headquartered in Bengaluru, Narayana Health group is the second largest health care provider in the country in terms of operational bed count. The first facility was established with approximately 225 operational beds in 2000 at NH Health City in Bengaluru. The Company today, runs a chain of multispecialty, tertiary and primary healthcare facilities across India with a network of 23 hospitals and 7 heart centers and a single hospital overseas at Cayman Islands with over 6,200 operational beds across all its centers and potential to reach a capacity of around 7,300 beds.
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