Most of the countries have taken strict measures to tackle with coronavirus pandemic. Hence, most of the employees are working from home.

We always thought of staying at home and working, but did you ever thought that we will be enforced to stay home and work continuously without knowing when weekend has arrived.

Insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression are some the side effects of the work from home, which people are facing during lockdown period.

Working from home can also be exceedingly hard on your mental health, which in turn affects your sleep. You may miss the banter of factory floor or the ability to bounce ideas off each other in the office. Luckily there are a stream of platforms coming up for people to stay connected – Microsoft Teams and Zoom – where you can see and speak to colleagues. Even the behemoths google and facebook have stirred to gobble their share of opportunity opened up due to the pandemic.

For Puja Yadav, a Hyderabad-based professional, work from home was initially comfortable but later isolation and feeling of disconnection cropped up.

“No fixed office hours and almost working every time whenever you get a call from office. The boundaries between work and regular life has vanished. Now, there is no proper time of eating, sleeping, working and exercising. All these factors have start deteorating mental health,” says Puja.

Arpita Biswas, a Hyderabad -based media professional, says “

Health experts advised people to do meditation and yoga to cope with stress and anxiety.

According to a recent study almost 67 per cent Indian are now sleeping late, post 11 pm, as compared to previously when the lockdown had not been announced.

Importance Of Sleeping Better And Sleeping Right – By Laura Jana

But why people are not liking work from home?

Change in routine: Working from home fools our body that night cycle is on. Sleep is based on circadian rhythm, and any change will affect our sleep cycle.Therefore it is suggested that people should change in routine according to their work at home including household works and then follow it.

Stress from wearing various hats: Work from home needs time management and invoicing skills to maintain the balance between home and work. It can be distressing for many because of immediate change in works.

No physical separation: Most millennials work while sitting on bed which makes no physical separation from work and home.

It makes people lethargy and hence it troubles in sleep.

Diet Tips For Night Shift Executives (Credits: Nutritionist’s Youtube)

Homemade distractions: Doorbells, domestic duties distract people from working and it takes long hour to work as compared when one works in office.

How to improve sleep cycle?

Make strict routine: It is suggested that you must make new routine, as you must be working from home for prolonged period.

Regular meal times: Eating is very important for your sleep. Irregular intakes may make you feel anxious more.

Also Read: Don’t Panic – Humans Have Weathered Far Bigger Crises Than Covid19 Pandemic

Don’t use your bed as work station: If it is possible don’t use your bed for working because it makes easier to lay down whenever you want. Also remove all electronic devices and stop using phone at least one hour before you.

Keep yourself hydrated: Without friends and colleagues to do a ‘coffee round’ make sure you regularly have a drink. Keep a bottle of fresh water on your desk and use tea making time to have a break from the computer screen.

Schedule fun activities: It is appreciated that you are involved in work tirelessly, but having within work hours is also equally important. It can make you feel fresh. Try to take your hobbies more seriously and it is best time for self care.

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