President-elect Donald Trump of late has some new and unusual admirers showering praises on him. Followed closely after Russian President Vladimir Putin, Raghad Hussein, the daughter of deposed Iraqi President, has said that U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has a ‘high level of political sensibility’ and hopes that he will be different from his predecessors.

Raghad, who blames the United States for the chaos in Iraq, said in an interview to CNN, “This man (Donald Trump) has just arrived to the leadership … But from what is apparent, this man has a high level of political sensibility that is vastly different than the one who preceded him.
Praising Trump for his outspoken attitude, Raghad said, “He exposed the mistakes of the others, specifically in terms of Iraq, which means he is very aware of the mistakes made in Iraq and what happened to my father.”
During his presidential campaign, Trump said he opposed the war on Iraq, however, he was publicly supportive of the invasion in interviews before and after the war.
And while saying that Saddam Hussein “was a bad guy,” Trump has praised the former Iraqi leader’s efficient killing of “terrorists”.
Raghad said she has not been involved in politics and supports no groups or parties on the ground. However, the present Iraqi Government has accused her of supporting her father’s Baath party, now outlawed, and has called on Jordan to repatriate her.
More recently it has accused her of supporting ISIS, an allegation that she vehemently denies.
Self-declared jihadist groups sprung up in Iraq under the banner of fighting US army “infidels,” and the country became a magnet for foreign fighters.
ISIS, or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, started as the Islamic State of Iraq in 2006 — the year of Saddam Hussein’s death — and expanded to Syria in 2014, three years after the eruption of violence there.
There have been reports that the US now feels that what it did with Saddam was wrong and that if Saddam would have continued, there wouldn’t have been any ISIS or the upheavals which cost thousand’s of US Lives and doesn’t seem to abate.
This positivity about Saddam and the wrong doings of US and President Bush also get corroborated from the recently published report of CIA agent Jon Nixon, the man who grilled the deposed President, revealing the shattering truth after 10 yrs of his execution… that everything the US thought it knew was WRONG and that Saddam Hussein turned all America’s assumptions (like WMD’s etc) upside down.
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