The film and modeling industry of Turkey has a diverse range of the foremost gorgeous women. If you’re a fan of beautiful, talented and attractive Turkish women in the industry, you will enjoy this list of the top 10 most beautiful and hottest Turkish actresses and models from within the past year. The list has been compiled by the N4M surveys after much research and due diligence and is one of the most authentic reviews from Turkey to date:

1 Fahriye Evcen Özçivit

Fahriye Evcen Ozcivit Turkish Actress Model

Best known for her roles in Yaprak Dökümü and Çalikusu, Fahriye Evcen was born on 4th June in 1986. Fahriye was ranked ninth on Buzznet’s list of the “World’s 30 Most Beautiful Women” in which the likes of Gigi Hadid, Emma Watson, Adriana Lima, Hillary Clinton, and Angelina Jolie were also named. Fahriye has beautiful looks and an amazing body and she ranks # 1 on our list.


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