From the beginning of the advent of Islam, muslim women have played a very important and discerning role in the society. However with deliberate media and perception campaigns run 24×7 to tarnish the image of Muslim women, more so in the past few decades, many ills have started getting tagged to the Muslim women across the world. Cropping up have been the many xenophobic assumptions – that Muslim women are oppressed, need to be saved, forced to wear headscarves or hijabs out of fear and so on. Such labels though remain far from reality.
Contrary to played up media image of a Muslim women as a demure un-empowered female, all hiding behind her burqa and sheltered by her men folk, today’s Muslim women are actively engaged in leadership and business roles across the society.
However most of these are far from reality. The phenomenal progress being made by the Muslim women in the world is amazing. Muslim women at the forefront are debunking these orientalist myths while at the same time constantly working to combat the ills within the community.
To cite a few examples, ruling since decades is the Prime Minister of Bangladesh Ms Sheikh Hasina Wazed. Also the Prime Minister of Mali Ms Cissé Mariam Kaïdama Sidibé is a charismatic Muslim women. Similarly, President of Kosovo, Atife Jahjaga, is the world’s youngest women president, while being her country’s first female Muslim president and the list goes on. So whether it be sports, entertainment, fashion, business or politics, Muslim women continue to climb the ladder and challenge the views, that belittle them otherwise.
As a tribute to the endeavors of the Muslim women of the world, N4M media surveys comes up with a list of the world’s Top Muslim women everyone should know about.
3Daisy Khan

Meet Daisy Khan, the Executive Director of the Women’s Islamic Initiative in Spirituality and Equality (WISE). Khan, who was the former Executive Director of American Society for Muslim Advancement, is now the voice behind countless cultural and religious programs, all in harmony with Muslims as well as non-Muslims. The non-profit organization dedicated to clear misunderstandings about Islam and promoting the ethical values of Islam.