Nature or Nurture, the differing views on “Entrepreneurs are born” or Entrepreneurs are made” have been a point of contention for ages. Many studies and papers have been written and debated for a distinct outcome but to no avail.
However in a complex society and the present world order, it will be prudent to say that while there are so many different entrepreneurial ideas, there is no one route to entrepreneurship. While there are some who are born with a desire to create ventures and have inherent qualities that make them successful entrepreneurs, there are others who learn and acquire them along the way, some the hard way.
Meet Nancy Gupta and you realise the potential and the entrepreneurial spirit that seems to be burning as a desire to make it big. Its thus no easy task, many can’t even fathom that at a very young age, Nancy tailored a team of hers and dared to launch a company of her own.
Great fashion needn’t cost the earth.”We believe fashion should be individual, accessible and most of all affordable to the public at large.” says Nancy.
Strong Belief, an essence of entrepreneurship thus led Nancy’s ideology to give shape to GLAMORSTREET. Glamorstreet, a Bangalore based startup and exclusive brainchild of Nancy has been in the news for developing a platform to bring celebrities, artists and common people on a single platform to enable acquaintance, interaction, surveys, research and exchange of information for the masses.
Ms Nancy Gupta, CEO, Glamorstreet is excited about her journey since the launch of Glamorstreet a couple of years back. Glamorstreet remains fresh and informative with day to day happenings in the glamor world and is constantly updated with new stories and knowledge base for aspiring artists and actors in order to make sure one is always up to date with the latest trends, and celebrity fashion. “Additionally, We feature the most exquisite visual stories from across the world of fashion, décor, art, architecture, design, beauty, food & travel and events” adds Nancy.

Well known and renowned names connected with the celebrity and fashion world often write blogs for the surfers and the public at large. Some of the names like Shiny Alexander, Amrit Kaler, Bharat Thakur, Persis Monalisa, Shreya Unchali, Wanitha Ashok, Sheshadri Ramanna are only just a few from the long list blogging on Glamorstreet.
Thus from a humble beginning in 2012, Nancy has grown as a name to be reckoned with in the professional industry. Nancy Gupta, began her career as a make-up artist, then working as a freelancer, before launching her own brand. From her early days as a make up artist of repute, she has state of the art skills that made her stand tall among the professionals of the industry. With her vast experience in wedding makeovers, bridal beauty makeup, Nancy team had her hands full attending to celebrities and catering to makeups at parties, events and shoots. Nancy and her team services hundreds of new clients every year from across the country and the numbers in synch with the operations of Glamorstreet are only growing by the day.
Also Read: A Candid Interview With Sophia Banks, Star Fashion Stylist and Director
Tiding over the ups and downs, a regular in the glamor industry and the entrepreneurial world, Nancy stays strong and focused, thus enabling her to win over several coveted awards that are an envy to many. Karnataka Police’s Certificate of Appreciation in association with Team Aarohan is one amongst the many. Under her able mentorship, Nancy and her team has been able to conduct innumerable fashion shows and celebrity events across the country. A few international events are lined up as well. Nancy has thus been bringing in an invaluable social difference to the society, helping many a young talent to blossom in a competitive world.
N4M media and its team hail the everlasting entrepreneurial spirits of Nancy Gupta and wish her all the very best as she progresses with her venture, one milestone to another.
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Wow!! Nancy Gupta rocks!!!
Wowwww.. Nancy Gupta.. How lucky to be featured here.. Go for their Top 10 Lists.. Worth it & tell me when are you coming over to my Mumbai.. Love to meet you soon..
Beautiful and congrats Nancy