Sanskrit learning has attracted people from around the world in recent times. Historically Sanskrit used to be taught through the traditional ‘gurukula sampradaya’ where Sanskrit itself was the medium of teaching as well as for communication among the students.
In the ‘modern’ education system it was replaced by the technique of learning by translation, with emphasis on grammar from the very beginning. It resulted in creating a notion that Sanskrit is merely a language of mantras and traditions as opposed to one of daily conversational usage
During the 1980’s a few young Sanskrit graduates from Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati (now National Sanskrit University) felt that efforts must be taken to make Sanskrit once more a spoken language and not merely a language of mantras. “Talk in Samskritam, not just about Samskritam” was their guiding principle.
The primary idea was that Sanskrit should be taught through Sanskrit itself and not through translations. With the united effort of these youngsters, a 10 day Sanskrit workshop was designed where each day, 2 hour sessions are conducted without translations. The method followed was the natural way of learning- just like one learns his or her mother tongue.
Initial days saw a bit of struggle to find takers, and then innovative ways of spreading the effort came up. Two volunteers would ride on a public bus. One would go to the back seat and other in the front seat, and both of them would start talking loudly in fluent Sanskrit. Curious passengers who were able to understand most of the conversation, would ask the volunteers about how they learned to speak in Sanskrit and they will be invited to the next workshop.
The movement slowly started to spread under the aegis of various organisations across India. Eventually Samskrita Bharati was formally established in 1994. Currently, Samskrita Bharati has its headquarters in New Delhi and has a presence in 4812 locations, 610 districts of India and in 20 other countries. Volunteers come from various backgrounds including students, professionals, agriculturists, traders, doctors, lawyers, teachers, engineers, University vice-chancellors and more.
The whole work is anchored by about 114 full-time volunteers dedicated to the cause of spreading Sanskrit as a language of daily use. SamskritaBharati has conducted 1,40,000 sambhashana shibirams(10 day workshops), published over 300 books, conducted correspondence courses, online classes , ‘samvaadasaalaa’ , baalakendram for small children, classes on Bhagavad Gita, youth workshops, teachers training camp and so on.
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In the Covid-19 pandemic situation and subsequent lockdown, the organisation took some time to adapt to the digital, online class mode, but eventually got into the groove. Various online workshops and follow up classes are now ongoing around the globe.
What may be an epitome of its online efforts to date, is a course named “Subhashitam Samskritam” which Samskrita Bharati is conducting in association with IIT Roorkee (IITR) Sanskrit club. 14000+ registered, of which nearly 1350 are below 18yrs or age, and nearly 8400 from the 18-40 age group. Many even “complained” that they got to know about the event only after the July-4th registration deadline, had they known in time, they would have registered
The first level of the course started on 5th of July with daily one hour sessions (named as lectures) live streamed on youtube for 12 days. It was supported by daily exercises, audio quizzes, revision videos and interactive sessions – all online. Course-1 focused on basic conversations with no ‘rigour’ of grammar and encourages people to speak in Sanskrit without worrying about “errors”
To the credit of a handful of young and dynamic Sanskrit club volunteers at IIT Roorkee and with key support from the institute, the online classes and supplementary material are public and nicely arranged as playlists in youtube . Though only registrants can take exams, organisers hope that the teaching material can continue to be available as open to all, to the extent possible. That seems to have worked wonders, for lecture-1 of Course-1 has already crossed 40,000 views on youtube

Being free and online classes, not necessarily everyone from the 14000+ registered may be regular, and so based on online exams conducted on July 21 and 22, around 5108 who successfully completed Course-1 and are now registered for Course-2 . Organisers are now exploring ways to give more practice to the enthusiastic members through channels like Telegram discussion group, which already has more than 4000 members.
An online poll conducted among the Telegram members showed that nearly 42% of them learned Sanskrit for the first time using the IITR-Samskrita Bharati Course-1 and most of them were now able to speak in Sanskrit. Even among the 58% who had learned Sanskrit before, most were previously not able able to speak in Sanskrit but after Course-1 they are able to
The Shraavana Pournami day (also rakshabandhan) is celebrated as ‘Samskritadinam’ and this year it falls on 3rd of August. As IITR Sanskrit club-Samskrita Bharati efforts move on to its Course-2, there is immense satisfaction that they were able to pull through a well managed and hugely popular Course-1, and there are also some “lessons learned” and “new ideas” for future implementation. At higher levels of the course, sustaining the interest as well as ensuring that emphasis on conversing in Sanskrit continues, will be challenges to look for.
If the enthusiasm shown for this course is to be taken as a trend, Sanskrit learning may now be at the threshold of undergoing a revolution. The widespread use of internet facilities in the field of education proves to be an opportunity for dissemination of knowledge regardless of geographical boundaries. Time alone can say whether the opportunity will be well used.
Also write:
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~ If you want to contribute an article / story, please get in touch at: news4masses[at]gmail[dot]com
Very successful initiative taking Sanskrit through modern learning methodologies. Thanks to Sanskrit Bharathi and IIT Roorkee. Feeling Proud to be a part of it and looking forward to learn more.No words to express gratitude for the services rendered by the team. sahasra Naman
Great work by IIT Roorki and Samskrit Bharati.
I attended the course and got instant benefits.. withing 15-20 days during this course and small practice during that time, I could fulfill my dream of learning this greatest language!
Excellent work by IIT roorki & Sanskritbharati.. nice article
Namo Namah
This article by N Saraswathy is excellent summary of the success. Kudos to Saraswathy.
My heartfelt gratitude and thank you to all from IITR and Samskrita Bharathi who have taken this initiative for the benefit of people and sanskrit. The hard work and efforts are not easily visible. But I am sure that team has spent hours in thinking, planning and putting this together. The entire course has been designed, structured and presented in a very simplistic manner to everyone. What a novel way to make best use of technology to reach out to all of us. I hope and pray that these type of initiatives reach out far and wide with result of people speaking in sanskrit in day to day life. With sincere Thank You, I wish all the team members success and all the very best in life. May god bless all of them and all of us.
It is a great opportunity to attend the course on speaking of Sanskrit. Generally people think that Sanskrit is very difficult language and there are many things very difficult to remember. But here the teachers with their high teaching ability made the language very much interesting to the learners. Another thing that impressed me are the stories they said at the end of every lecture. These stories have great moral values which shows that culture of past India was very much rich. Learning Sanskrit will definitely revive the old culture of the country. This is beneficial not only for the country but for the entire world.
Namonamah. An excellent Initiative by sanskrit Bharti with IIT roorkie. Thanks a ton for this noble and. Novel Initiative be cause of which people like me who are employed cull time are able to.learn this rich language. Keep up the good work
Article by Ms saraswati brings out the passion of the organisers in taking this awesome language to the nook and corner of the world. Great work.
I am one of the person above 65 years yet my enthusiasm to learn sanskrit never decreased,I appeared for Level1 tests and when verified marksit was 73/80.i would have got minimum 15 for remaining 20. So I am sure that I will get above 80.My sincere thanks to all volunteers
Excellent initiative by Sanskrit Bharti and IITR Sanskrit club. Uttmam arrival !
Namo Namah
I read the article wrote by Saraswathi madam. It is really fentastic one. Also I am proud
to say that I am one of the students of IITR Team. The methodology of teaching y
The Samskritam is awesome and excellent.
The mode, manner and methodology adopted by Samskrita Bharathi and IIT Roorkee is truly commendable. Its a boon even for a senior citizen like me to avail of this opportunity to understand the language. The patience and discipline of the staff is truly fantastic.
Saraswathy N has done an excellent job. Her enthusiasm and dedication are exemplary. I wish her all success in her future endeavours.
Immensely indebted to Sanskrit Bharati and IITR Sanskrit club volunteers. They are really doing good job. Lots of love, gratitude and wishes for their selfless efforts. Thanks a lot!!!
my words will fall short. Excellent work by IIT roorkee and Samskrita Bharathi. Lots of love to all Teachers, Organisers and Volunteers for self-less work. Special love to Saraswathi.
I am very happy to be a part of this wonderful online course ! I always wanted to learn Sanskrit . My wish of learning Sanskrit is being fulfilled now after retirement and that too sitting at home. The course is very informative as they not only teach but they also tell stories in Sanskrit, have quiz etc.
My heartfelt gratitude to the volunteers of IIT Roorkee Sanskrit club & the Samskrita Bharati team for the initiative & efforts taken by them. Seeing them working day & night selflessly has motivated us a lot.
Also special thanks to Suchitra Mahodaya for teaching in a simple & enjoyable way.
It will reach new heights in Sanskrit teaching!
धन्यवाद ! नमो नमः
Really nice writing. Thankyou for so much of information!!
Hello I congrajulate this full team for their efforts and success
I just want to thank you all from bottom of my heart for taking this initiative. You may not be aware of what u people are doing, you are actually changibg our lifestyle, our way of thinking and of course our kowledge.
Lockdown could not have been that meaningfull and usefull. I was going into depression and I got my dream project. My kids also learning with me. I am a yoga teacher. Looking forward to work with you all too. But I think I hv to travel a long way for that. I would also like to be a part in propogating this knowledge. ????????????????
Excellent efforts by IIT Roorkee and Samskrita Bharati in making this program highly enjoyable and easily structured with a simple learning methodology.
This course is meticulously designed and executed. Daily 1 hour workshop and email communication with revision lessons and a useful self evaluation test made this course engaging and enjoyable experience for me.
Kudos to the volunteer team who executes the overall process of sending emails on time and guiding the participants.
There was also a Telegram group for asking questions and sharing more articles and documents when needed which I was not able to use much but the email communication was so prompt that I could complete the first course through with them.
This course gave us blessing of a new language.
A very useful course making use of the COVID opportunity and technology effectively… Kudos to the efforts of IIT-R and earnest efforts of SB and its committed volunteers.
Excellent work!! This course is capable of being an agent of revival of India’s ancient culture.
नमो नम:
Namo Namaha. Excellent write up by Saraswathi. Excellent initiative by IITR and SAMSKRITA BHARATHI. The approach to teach sanskrit in the way that a child learns the mother tongue is a novel idea. I thank IITR, SB, all the Teachers, Volunteers and all those involved in classroom training for their excellent work. It was very enjoyable learning Sanskrit.
Thank you
Very good efforts by IIT Rurkee.I have no words how to appreciate.Managing daily lectures at dot time is not so easy. Everyday to take lecture more than 1 hour is not easy task. Special Thanks to Sarswati Bhagini & organisers & Sanskrit Bharati.
Excellent initiative by IITR and SB. I thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and benefitted a great deal. I can speak small sentences in Sanskrit now which I was unable to do before
It is my first A B C D in Samskritam. I am grateful to Samskrita Bharati and IITR.
Kum. Saraswathy has well narrated the story of how Samskritha Bharathi was established with the selfless efforts of young graduates from Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati. The dedicated service of the volunteers for the cause of Sanskrit is indeed praiseworthy. I value the Association of Samskrita Bharathi and IIT Roorkee Sanskrit Club as a blessing as it has proved to be a good bondage for widening the scope of teaching of Sanskritam. IT field has been well utilised. My sincere gratitude and regards to all those who are involved in conducting the ongoing online Course.
This course interested me to learn more sincerely as it is a well organized and effective arrangement to teach Sanskrit. Undeniably.. excellent work by all the volunteers of IITr and Samskrita Bharathi! Looking forward to continue.
Jayatu Jayatu Samskritham!
Really appreciate and congratulate Saraswathy N, for her efforts and contribution to Sanskrit language promotion. your article is really good and provoked so many people to start liking and learning more about Sanskrit. Wish you all the very best may GOD bless you always and keeps you healthy, energetic and a happy human being.
Namo Namah,
Very Nice article by Saraswathy Mahodaya
It is nice experienced to the learning the language of Sanskrit. Now I able to Speak small sentences in Sanskrit.
Excellent work done by Saraswathy Mahodaya and IIT Roorkee Samkrita Club .
Thank you so much .
I am very much thankful to sanskrit bharati, really because of sanskrit bharati today I can conversate in samskritam.
Thank you Sanskrit bharati and Volunteers
Name Namah,
First of all let me thank all the people from IITR and Samskrita Bharathi for giving us this wonderful opportunity to learn our ancient language with ease sitting at home. My special appreciation for “Suchitra Bhagini” for teaching so well,it was easy to understand her giving lectures. I think it will be useful for us to teach our grandchildren the basics of Sanskrit. I have successfully cleared the first course and am looking forward for the coming courses.
Well done samskrita Bharati and IIT roorkee Samkrita club
I am lucky to be part of the course.Thanks for the excellent initiative by Sanskrita bharathi.
I am lucky to be a part of thecourse.Excellent initiative by Sanskrita Bharathi.
Thank u soo much for giving me an opportunity to learn Sanskrit ..Will try to learn as much as possible n in future may try to teach others
Namo namaH
Excellent and most-sought initiative by IITR and Samskrita Bharathi. Keep up the good work. One request is to guide students on future courses based on their interest.
Hari Om.
Namo namaha ! Saraswathi biaghini very nicely written and really inspiring for youngers to learn Sanskrit. I am feeling blessed to have all these sanskrit bharati classes ,teachers and all dedicated teachers . Jayatu Sanskritam ????????
I attended this course from abroad and the entire program was flawless for this what appear to be an unexpectedly large scale effort. Most enjoyable part of this course is the enthusiasm of the volunteers and teachers. Simply contagious! All course materials are on their YouTube page for any one who may have missed. Looking forward to Course 2.
so well written Saraswathy Bagini! Thank you.
Big Thanks to Samskrita Bharathi Teachers and volunteers for teaching us Devabasha Samskritam. ‘am able to understand stories in Samskritam and able to read and speak few simple sentences in Sanskrit after doing course-1. This is only due to the excellent teaching method of Samskrita Bharathi. ‘am looking forward to do course-2 starting on 03Aug. Jayatu Samskritam Jayatu Bharatam! Dhanyavadaha!
I am one of those enthusiastic attendees of Course I and awaiting the start of Course of II. धन्यवादः|
Namo Namah!
Very nicely summarised article by Saraswathy bhagini. Indeed, Course-1 was great, lots of efforts were taken by IIT Roorkee & Sanskrit Bharati volunteers. This will surely attract more students in future too. With such commendable efforts Sanskrit will once again gain its place & many will converse in Sanskrit in day-to-day life.
Jayatu Samskrutam, Jayatu Bharatam!
It was my first encounter learning Sanskrit language I really enjoyed the learning the language.All the efforts IIT Roorke Sanskrit club volunteers and Sanskrit Bharati have put in to make this course meticulously beautiful is applauding. Im looking forward for the second course Starting 3rd of August2020.
Take a bow IITR & Sanskrita Bharathi for this wonderful effort. I would like to express my gratitude for making me speak a few sentences in Sanskrit just by attending 12 days course. Looking forward to starting course 2. Dhanyavaadaha ????????
It is really a great job by iitians and their team. The methodology is xclnt. God bless them all.
This initiative has been one of its kind. Never before have I seen people voluntarily, free of cost providing such quality content, with doubt clearance sessions, practice videos, self assessment quizzes, exams, certificates. This is true public service, not only to the learners, but most importantly to Samskritam. I cannot put in words how much I appreciate everyone working hard for making this program successful. धन्यवादाः
Namo Nama: !! Immense gratitude to all the people who have put in their efforts in establishing the importance and propagating this great language and culture.
Excellent efforts by the all the sanskrit bharathi team.Good teaching by all the teachers .very constructive arrangements by the volunteers. Dhanyavaadaha to all. ????
Namoh Namah,
My since gratitude to Samskrita Bharathi and IIT Roorkee
for their integrated approach with the team of young and enthusiastic volunteers.
The Course-I has inculcated greater interest in learning the
divine language. The methodology adopted has removed the
inhibition from the seeker of knowledge and the test quiz were
very attractive and we have become literally children as in a
The valedictory function presided by HRD minister and his valedictory address and address by other dignitaries were
encouraging. Lots and lots of gratitude to the team.
NamoNamaha, Thank you so much Saraswati Bhagini, Samskrita Bharati Team and IIT Roorkee Team for coming upwith online courses as a medium to impart knowledge.
Words are not just enough to mention tremendous efforts taken by you all. Big Thank you for all the efforts and Keep going!!!
Namo Namah l
Jayatu Samskritam, Jayatu Bharatham..
excellent work done..
Saraswati bhagini has done a wonderful job; as like her name…
By attending this course , I am able to make and speak small sentences in Sanskrit. Well done samskrita Bharati and IIT roorkee Samkrita club.
Fantastic effort, thrilled to see the profile of the young saraswati bahahini, long live her enthusiasm and service ro samskritam
Namo Namah
Good To See young talents like her , our kids are been motivated , had enjoyed her confidence during webex interactions
A wonderful initiative by IIT Roorkee and Samskrita Bharati. Commendable efforts by the team of volunteers to seamlessly organize the course. They ensured that the participants gotextra practice by posting revision videos and self evaluation quizzes. Interactive WebEx sessions were also very helpful. Wonderful article Saraswati.
Saraswathi beta, keep it up
I have attended the recently concluded Subhashitam Course, and benefited a lot. Although I knew Sanskrit, a littlet bit, earlier, I was always hesitant to open my mouth for speaking anything. Sanskrit, in fact, used to scare me. After the completing the course, I can say, unhesitatingly, that my embarassment and fear while speaking Sanskrit has disappeared fully. I make many mistakes, no doubt, but now I know that unless I speak I will not improve my speaking skills.
The course has prompted me to register for a further regular course with Sanskrit Bharati, and also continue with other capsules conducted by them.
I would strongly recommend everyone to take advantage of this golden opportunity.
The article by Ms Saraswati is a wonderful brief on the voluntary activities of the Institute, where she is also working tirelessly. She can count on me as one more volunteer for the growth of Sanskrit.
It’s really really awesome!! ????
Jaytu sanskritam jaytu bhattal
Excellent efforts by Samskritha Bharathi and IIT Roorkee. This is our ancient language. This program is highly structured and interesting too. Hatts off to the organizers. We wish them all success.
Very well written and like Congratulate to Sanskrit club IITR & Sanskrit Bharati for their work.
I have learned course-1 and given the exam successfully looking forward for next course.
Thanks a lot for organising
i have been waiting for the this occasion for long and now thanks to Covid.. and i am waiting for course 2… Great service to Sanskrit is being rendered by Saraswaty.. keep it up dear. you are a role model for many…
I have been waiting for long for such an occasion. Thanks to Samskrita bharathi. Kudos to our young friend Ms. Saraswathy for extending a wonderful service to sankrit language. waiting for course 2…
Nice initiative by samskrit bharati and IITR.
Many things I know after started learning sanskrit with this course.
Keep it up.
Really Samskrita Bharati is doing a great work to popularize samskritam language. I love/ respect our predecessors language which was confined with a small group of people. I am greatful to samskrita bharati as I have been given a space to learn samskritam. All the qualified teachers/volunteers are making the language understandable so as to speak. Really I thank all of you for your precious works.
अति उत्तमम् सरस्वती भगिनी मोहोदया! एतत् पठित्वा अहं बहु आनन्दम् भवामि!
We are indebted to IIT Roorkee and Samskrita Bharati for bringing this awareness and putting your best effort to bring Samskrita in our daily lives. It is truly a commendable effort with a proven success.
नमो नमः ..
एतद् उत्तम लेखनं | अहं ज्ञानं पातुं संस्कृत अभ्यासः एतद् वर्गे करोमि|
सरस्वती भगिनी एवं संस्कृत भारत्याः अन्य कार्यकर्ताः बहु प्रशन्सनीयं कार्यं कुर्वन्ति…
बहु भव्यं, दिव्यं च कार्यं भवति.. | धन्यवादः …
The best thing happened in my life during this lockdown period is I got chance to learn संस्कृत. It’s dream come true for me. Thanks to संस्कृत भारती and IIT Roorkee. I had never imagined learning संस्कृत can be so easy. Although I wanted to post this comment in संस्कृत, I have yet to reach that level. My best wishes for future activities.
Excellent effort by Sanskrit Bharati and IITR Sanskrit club.
There is no words to express our gratitude towards all the volunteers, with kindness, and with patience they taught us, listened to our queries and answered them.
Looks like this stage has achieved the critical mass and it would be full blown chain reaction of spreading sanskrit to masses.
Thanks everyone involved to give us all this amazing opportunity to learn.
बहु उत्तमम्!
साधु साधु!
Wonderful and highly commendable effort by the IIT Roorkee and Samskrit Bharati volunteers, feeling very proud to be one of the students of this amazing initiative
Wishing you all the best for future endeavours
Thank you
Excellent initiative by IIIT Roorkee Sanskrit Club. The teaching methodology is effective. Lot of user friendly materials in all modes are provided. Madam Saraswathi has clearly explained how the movement has started and how the same has been expanded. The dedication of the volunteers of IIIT Roorkee Sanskrit Club and Samskritha Bharathi is commendable. All the best ????????????????
Thankful to samskrita bharati and iitr sanskrit club for a intiative to motivate all walks of people to speak sanskrit in daily usage and spread the word to worldwide happy to be torch bearer in this yagna.
Happy Sanskrit week to everyone…
Thank you Sanskrit Bharti and IITR for this initiative.
Loking forward to learn from the upcoming courses
Fantastic efforts for spreading Sanskritam which was long overdue in BHARAT. Lovely write up dear Saraswathy. Bahu samyak asti !!!
Great job being done by Sanskrita Bharathi and IIT Roorkee. Thank you so much for all the initiative. I have done Course I fairly well and am eagerly waiting for course 2 to begin. Wish to do all the five courses judiciously. These classes also help me with my correspondence courses that I have registered with Sanskrita Bharati. I have my Parichaya exam on 30th of August.
The best spoken sanskrit classes I have received. Samskritha Bharathi and IIT Roorkee did a great job and feel so blessed to have known about this course online. So professional way of handling such a huge number if people and enjoyed the webex sessions, YouTube live sessions, Telegraph questions and answers sessi ok ns. Best way if yeaching and it made us all speak in Samskrit after 12 days! Thanks a ton to all the volunteersand OIT Roorkee Sanskrit club!
My sincere thanks to the organisers and the dedicated volunteers for the success of Level 01 Sanskrit course.
I enjoyed the whole episode of first ever session from July 5th It was an enjoyable experience Though I studied in my school and college Samskrutham it is the first time I learnt to converse in Samskrutham which was such easy task
Thanks to Samskrutha Bharathi and its committed volunteers across the Nation
Really Iam indebted to Smt Savithra bhagini and Smt Saraswathy bhagini
Thanks IITR Roorkee for making my life worth living
Yours truely
Dr Thota Muralimohan
Thanks to Samskrita Bharati and IIT Rourkee Sanskrit Club efforts, the Sanskrit Language will flourish again…! वदतु संस्कृतम्। जयतु भारतम्।
Amazing efforts by IIIT roorkie and SamskritaBharati. Excellent work. Thankful to the team.
I’m very glad to learn Sanskrit under the efforts made by samskrthabharathi IIT, ROORKEE..
I have attended the first session.. Thank you all the volunteers for supporting during classes…
Tqsm for taking up bridge course classes which is helping us to brush up past knowledge with new learnings.
I thank saraswaty mam for such an wonderful article..
अति शोभनीयम्। संस्कृत भारती- आइ आइ टी, रुडकी : बहुत धन्यवादं। मम बहुत वर्षाद् इच्छा अद्य पूर्णम् भवति। अति सहज प्रकारेण संस्कृत सम्भाषणं जानीमः। बहु धन्यवादः।
Excellant work by IIT Roorkee Sanskrit Club and Volunteers of Samskrita Bharathi.I appreciate the great effort of Saraswathy Bhaginee.She is a great teacher too.Thanks to all the volunteers involved in Samskrita Sambhashanam course.जयतु संस्कृतं जयतु मनुकुलम
Very well-organized team of volunteers.Thankyou for your efforts, dedication and sincere work.
DhanyavadaH. Namo namaH.
Very good initiative by Sanskrita Bharathi and IIT Roorkee Volunteers. Really it is very easy method to teach and learn Sanskrit so that every one developed confidence and interest too. Practise test, question and answers, test really well managed. Webinar, YouTube live too.
I was very Happy to know that around 14000 participants were learinig from all over the world. And it should be regular courses like this so that every body should learn Sanskrit. Waiting for the course 2 to start on 3rd August 2020.
Actually our Government have to take the step for Sanskrit language from 1st standerd as complusary subject.
Salute to all efforts of you people
Keep it up. May you all grow and succeed in this endeavour.
धन्यवाद। नमो नम:
नमो नमः
I am so grateful to all those behind this excellent work, for the wonderful opportunity given to learn the Devabasha!
I am confident that very soon entire Bharat will be able to converse in this eternal and sacred language.
Attended first course and it was
Wonderful experience.
The efforts and contribution by the IITR Sanskrit club and Sanskrit Bharati volunteers is top class. A big salute to all the people for making the event a grand success.
नमो नमः
I feel much fortune to be a part of this mega event being organised by IITR Sanskrit club and Sanskrit Bharati.
नमो नमः
Simple and informative article by Sow.Saraswathi. An excellent effort by IITR and SB. If only one member in a family learn to speak sanskrit , it may not be possible for that one person to improve sanskrit conversation. So it is suggested to encourage family participation in the spoken sanskrit program. DHAYAVADAHA.
A nation with pride and self respect is in making again. Welldone SB!
Heartfelt thanks to IIT Roorkee Sanskrit Club, All Volunteers and Samskrita Bharati in crafting this program and conducting it so effectively for sanskrit enthusiasts like myself. Eagerly waiting for the course part – 2 to start from 3rd August 2020. May you grow and enjoy phenomenol success in this endeavor.
Awesome effort to keep the new generation in touch with our roots. This is the beauty of this language, more you learn more you become fan of this language.thank you so much Sanskrit Bharti and Saraswathijee…good luck
Perfect initiative for most of the people who are interested to learn sanskrit but could not do till now due to other personal priorities. This course being simple, crisp and clear was easy to follow. Congratulatory to all the people who worked hard day and night to make it a grand success and all the best for the next level of courses.
Congrats for those all working to spread Sanskrit to speak I feel it privilege to take course 1 and happy to speak and understand through Vedeo classes, webex meetings and quizzes.Specially thanking Saraswathi N ji in placing good article.With this coaching I completed course1 successful and promoted to course 2
Excellent work. Congratulations to Sanskrit club IITR & Sanskrit Bharati. Keep it up. I am fortunate to learn Sanskrit for the first time from such devoted masters. Thank you all so much.
I am one of the lucky students of the online courses which is extremely well arranged, punctual and professional. Everything is conducted in an easy to learn method and volunteers are coming up with engaging and innovative ways to help students. They are posting fun quizzes, Translation quiz, also sending speeches in sanskrit. They also keep a 10-15 mins window for doubt solving on telegram and take extra WebEx sessions for one on one learning. This is truly revolutionary move in promoting sanskrit as a language. They have gone several miles ahead of conventional teaching methods. May God bless all those who are associated with it.
Excellent team work.. kudoos to all…At this age i am fortunate enough to enroll and learn sanskrit….Through this…I don’t have words to explain how i felt when I could speak one sentence in sanskrit…Heartfelt congratulations to you all…Thank you all once again…
Keep up the good work.May your efforts motivate more people to learn the mother of all Indian languages.
Thank you for making it possible to speak in Sanskrit.Never knew it could be so easy
Excellent effort by Sarawathi ji on this article which explains in clear terms the extraordinary influence that Sanskrit has and it’s exploitation by sincere and dedicated team of Sanskrit bharathi. The teaming of IITR has added a diamond tip. Myself a lay man in this aspect joined the maiden course on Sanskrit sambashna. The course was well conducted and reached the grassroot level . Now my confidence level has gone up and able to converse slowly. The whirlwind initial response was phenomenal. Keep it up. Congrats and best wishes to all who’ve made it.
A very good experience. Samskrita Bharati has done a wonderful job. The organisation and execution were methodical and smooth. Especially, the patience and perseverence of volunteers to drive home the correct pronunciation and usage of words are praiseworthy. Teaching without the help of books and and writing was novel. IIT Roorkey Sanskrit Club has coordinated excellently with samskrita Bharati in bringing about such a wonderful opportunity to Sanskrit lovers.
I would like to thank to IITR and Sanskrit club members and other volunteers for proving the Sanskrit language learning in such a simple way that it has become interesting and easy.
I am thankful to entire team.
Once more thanks alot.
After several attempts to learn Samskrtam, I have finally found one which is convenient and motivating! At 60, I am proud to be part of the beneficiaries of such a wonderful initiative by Samskrta Bharati and IITR Sanskrit Club. Kudos to the highly efficient volunteers!
Lovely article by Saraswati Bhagini!
Jayatu Samskrtam!!
Excellent article by Saraswathiji amplying the activities of the IITR Sanskrit Club.. She is real Saraswathi mata. God bless her. I am very fortunate enough to be like a student systamatically learning and following the lessons and practice sessions. Great and concerted efforts of IITR Sanskrit Club volunteers would go a long way in percolating the deva basha Sanskrit and promoting the language among the entire globe.
Fantastic work by Samskritha bharathi and Sanskrit club IIT Roorkee . Being a student of the course I have thoroughly enjoyed na dleraned from the corse and am looking forward to the further courses. Best wishes for the furture success. We are fortunate to be able to learn this way. Highly appreciate all your hard work .
बहु शोभनम्
Wonderful article by Ms. N. Saraswathy on how Sanskrit Bharati has developed asimple method of teaching spoken Sanskrit. Thank you Volunteers and I. I. T. Roorkee for organising ths course. Looking forward to course 2.
Excellent work and effort by all of you thank you so much people like me could learn alot from this platform and looking forward for more knowledge
अति उत्तमम्।
Namonamah sarvebhyah.
I feel extremely fortunate to be a student of the noble venture initiated by Sanskrit Bharathi and Sanskrit Club with IIT Roorkhee. The methodology and the strategies designed by the faculty ,alongwith the dedicated efforts of the volunteers enabled me to enjoy each lecture, abhyas vargs,quizzes and motivated to learn more. The article by Saraswathi mahodaya is informative and leads us to the infinite possibilities of growth of Sanskrit lànguage.How much it has become global, the positive catalysts are the dedicated people behind.Thank you so much for the knowledge you spread and the enthusiasm you radiate around.
Excellent work Saraswati let you be able to do more for the promotion of Samskritham . All the best dear and also a big round of applause for Samskritha Bharathi
Great initiative by Sanskrita Bharati and very effective support by IIT Roorkee volunteers.
सर्वोत्तम प्रयासेन संस्कृत भारती संस्कृतं वदतु कार्यक्रमः समीचीनः जायते l
अहं संस्कृत दिवसे अग्र विषयेषु पठतु अति उत्सुक भवति l
Words cannot alone appreciate the efforts shown and demonstrated here by all volunteers and teachers during the IITR Sanskrit-Club and Samskrita Bharati online course. The course 1 was just appeared to be a blockbuster and hence looking forward for such enthusiasms and efforts from all for course 2 and onwards. Learning Sanskirt cannot be simpler than this. Namo Namah! Dhanyabadah.
अति उत्तमम्
A great initiative by the Sanskrita Bharathi and IITR to spread the knowledge of Sanskrit through online mode.
I had initial reluctance to practice the language, but now due to regular practice, I am in love with Sanskrit.
I shall do my bit to spread the awareness of Sanskrit through my network and ensure that more and more people start accepting this language.
What an article! It highlights every aspect of this program. Kudos to all the Samskrita enthusiasts and volunteers at IIT R Sanskrit Club and Samskrita Bharathi. We are the beneficiaries. Your initiative and hard work have made us breath, talk and think Samskritam. Suchitraji! You are the best! All our scriptures are in Sanskrit but we cannot understand them because we do not know this magnificent language! I hope with your initiative we can read, understand, teach and appreciate our scriptures in the future. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to course 2. All the best for your efforts to bring Sanskrit to every home. Jayatu Samskritam!!
Ms.Saraswathi, a prodigy in Sanskrit, listed very beautifully the efforts taken by the Sanskritha Bharathi in association with IIT Roorkee. All the volunteers did a
Commendable job and made us to learn Sanskrit effortlessly. Kudos to the team.
My joy Knows no bounds when I could converse in Sanskrit. God bless you all.????????
Excellent Mission for a positive revolution to bring evolution in ourself by knowing our roots. Keep it up. Thank you Samskrit Bharati Team and IIT Roorke for making online courses easily available in very precise manner.
Excellent work keep it up,Typo error in name
Very good initiative taken by Sanskrut Bharati. I just cleared Course – 1. Really feeling like a patriotic spirit. The door is now opened for me & I got a chance to discover the hidden ancient knowledge in Sanskrut.
Saraswaty, in very precise words you have narrated the history of Sanskrut Bharati. Nice work done. You are much younger to us but we will be delighted to learn from you.
Very selfless efforts by Sanskritbharati and all volunteers.
Babu samichinah
NamoNamah aham course-1 SS vidyarthi hetu feel that online madhyama shikshana prayogaha atyuttama asti
Very good initiative and efforts by IIT Rurkee ,Sanskrit Bharati and Volunteers
Very good course and I am enjoying the the same .Eagerly waiting for the next level
wanted to learn sanskrit language out of curiosity but was not able to find ways and time but with my surprise, sanskrit learning school came in my home with incredible methodology through Dr. Pushpa Dikshit Mataji, Swarup Mahodaya, Sanskrit Bharti and IITR sanskrit Club. Now at the age of 60 I am learning sanskrit These are Amazing volunteers. They super duper talented energetic who are in constant efforts to make Sanskrit learning easy for me and thousands of people across the globe. This is only starting point but I feel I can go far with them. I am very happy learning sanskrit with their help. One day I wish to meet them personally. God bless you all.
Shubham Bhavatu!
Very good efforts by Sanskrit Bharati and IIT Rurkee to encourage the learning of Sanskrit speaking.
Nice article. ..
I am also a student of online course of Sanskrit Bharati and IIT Rurkee and eagerly waiting for the course 2 .
नमो नमः। उत्तम विवरण। Precise and articulate. Thanks for the timely post.
Amazing initiative by Sanskrit Bharati, IITR, all the teachers and volunteers???????????????? The excellent organization and coordination of the course, material is commendable????????????????
Beautiful article Saraswathy Bhagini!
Thank you and best wishes!
I have watched saraswathy’s conversation at the end of one YouTube video…the very first among conversations and enjoyed it a lot. Very well written article and I enjoyed all self evaluation quizzes. Thank you Saraswathy, excellent article. All the best!!
Namo: Namah: Sarvebhyo!! The article is thoughtfully written and coming at appropriate time. I participated in the webex sessions handled by Shikshikaa Smt Saraswathy N Mahodaya and it was highly educative and informative also at the same time. Samskrita Bharati established in 1994 has been doing great work in association with the IIT, Roorkee. IIT, Roorkee has been doing yeoman’s work in many fields particularly in the field of promoting and preserving ancient Bharatiiya and Vedic culture for which Sanskrit is the basic layer. Kudos to IIT, Roorkee and Samskrita Bharati. The style of functioning and modus operandi for the Course I are well designed and executed. It is needless to say that the timing of this learning program is also appropriate. What I mean is that the Lockdown and the established Government’s support for the program augur well for taking forward this program to great heights. The days are not faraway that Sanskrit becomes spoken and official language of Bharat once again.
Very well designed course.excellent work by Sanskrit Bharati with IitR.i too is the student of this course.
Uttama karyam. Jayatu Samskritam Jayatu Bharatham.
Amazing and effective use of technology to popularise and encourage the use of Sanskrit in daily life. A Classic language benefitting from modern tech! This will be even more useful if implemented in the course of the New Education Policy of the Government. Sanskrit no longer is the language which had to be learnt by rote, most of the times, unwillingly; to one which has learners across different age groups enthusiastically awaiting the next class and the next question set! It is a great effort from Sanskrit Bharati and IIT Roorkee Sanskrit Club. Kudos and more power to you all!
It was thoughtfull act. I do congratulate all who all are part of it. Since I want our ancient cultural norms must be incubated in Indians as envisaged by Swamiji Vivekananada. Sanskrit must be
percolated and preserved in people.
Thank you. I’m part of the said program and really helpful. Enjoying new Samskritam class
Well written article. Excellent work done by the ‘hidden gems’, the volunteers.
महत्वा पूर्ण. अभिनन्दनानि
very nicely summarised
jayatu samskritam jayatu bharatam
Jayatu Samskritam Jayatu Bharatham
I am proud to say that I am one of the participants of this wonderful उपक्रम of संसक्रुत भारती, this was my first opportunity to fulfill my wish to familiarize myself with this ancient language.
I take this opportunity to congratulate such a dedicated team of teachers and behind screen workers who enrich our lives. ????????
It is a fantastic initiative by Sanskrit Bharati n IIT Roorkee. It had enhanced my interest in Sanskrit abd I seriously look forward to be able to cinverse in Sanskrit fluently. I sincerely thank all the karyakartas for their great efforts which will definitely bear fruits of spread of Sanskrit language in mass. We will surely be able to revive all our ancient valuable knowledge that is stored via Sanskrit in our vedas n upanishads n take to local people. I sincerely thank all the efforts n would like to pursue the study ad far ss possible. Dhanyawadaha????????????
अति उत्तमम्। संस्कृतभाषा नैव क्लिष्टा न च कठिना।
Very nice. Got to know about the movement called Samskrita Bharathi. Keep writing. All the best.
I am one of the student of course conducted by Sanskrit Bharati-IITR . The class was conducted online in a systematic manner and was well taken by students across the world . There is a student of over 75 year old from California who is learning Sanskrit with his children and grandchildren getting up at 5am (to see the live class, even though they have choice to see the video at later point of time). This tells the level of interest in students. We thank the team of Sanskrit Bharati and ITR.
I fully endorse the contents of this article. I am one of the 5000+ odd learners who has moved on to level 2 effective August 3. The volunteer faculties of Samskrita Bharti and IIT-R have done an amazing job of putting the course together as well as providing several study tools on a daily basis to enable all of us to move up the ladder of learning this beautiful language. Thank you all and hope to complete all the 5 levels.
The article is very well written and comprehensive. All the Sanskrit Bharati volunteers have put in lot of work to conduct the course. It was conducted in a very student friendly way by Suchitraji and smooth conduct of the course – the credit goes to IIT – R volunteers.
Heartfelt thanks to everyone from a student of the class.
Very well organised course. We are very lucky to be a registered participant. Congrats and best wishes to sarswathy bagini and suchitra bagini and all samskrut Barathi IITR volunteers. With gods grace your efforts will be fruitful and a huge success.
Kudos to the stupendous efforts and a phenomenon.. Yes! Looking forward to Sanskrit reaching millions and the revolution to happen soon.
Congratulations and deep admiration!
The course on Sanskrit through Sanskrit is a joyful combination of natural skills of language acquisition and dynamically enthusiastic support from Sanskrit Bharati and IITR Sanskrit Club. My gratitude for such a wonderful initiative.
I’m one of the beneficiaries and fortunate to be a part of this course. Sanskrit club of IIT-R and volunteers of Samskrita Bharati are doing god’s own work in spreading Samskrit. Kudos for exceptional handling of such a course in this scale. Unselfishness is God. Pranams to them.
महत्वपूर्ण परिश्रमम्!
I appreciate from the bottom of my heart the efforts put in by Samskrit Bharati along with Sanskrit Club, IIT, Rourkee for providing me this golden opportunity to learn ‘Mother of languages’. I am proud of our great culture, heritage and immortal Sanathan Dharma. My humble pranaams to Maa Bharati. Learning Sanskrit has been my childhood dream.
Jayathu Bharatham, Jayathu Samskritham. ???????? Bharat maata ki Jai..???????? Jai Shree Ram ????
My immense gratitude for the effort, its effectiveness and, of course, the opportunity to me. Great! And, all power to you all. Thank you. God u
My immense gratitude for the effort, its effectiveness and, of course, the opportunity to me. Great! And, all power to you all. Thank you. God Bless.
Bahu uttamam Saraswathy bhaginee 🙂
Saraswati has done a wonderful job as a volunteer in this Samskrita Shikshanam course. All the very best to her for her future endeavours.
EXCELLENT JOB CARRIED OUT BY IIT ROORAKI ….I along with my 9 year old daughter have been following these online classes and even webex sessions. we both now have started communicating in sanskrit . the team is excellent and so punctual….thank you so much .we are grateful .
Beautiful and well written article on Samskrit Bharati and detailed view on Subhashitam Samskritam Online Course. I’m so proud to be part of this divine Samskrit Learning group by Samskrit Bharati & IIT Roorkee Samskrit Club. I thank each and every volunteer of Sanskrit Bharati and IIT Roorkee Samskrit Club.
Jayatu Samskritam Jayatu Bharatam
Yes I concur with her views on IIT Roorkee and Samskritha Bharathi efforts
Excellent work done
उत्तमं लेखनम् | Kudos to news4masses !
Very good initiative by Sanskrita Bharathi and IIT Roorkee Volunteers. Really it is very easy method to teach and learn Sanskrit so that every one developed confidence and interest too. Practise test, question and answers, test really well managed. Webinar, YouTube live too.
I was very Happy to heated that around 14000 participants were learinig from all over the world. And it should be regular courses like this so that every body should learn Sanskrit. Waiting for the course 2 to start on 3rd August 2020.
Actually our Government have to take the step for Sanskrit language from 1st standerd as complusary subject.
Salute to all efforts of you people
Keep it up. May you all grow and succeed in this endeavour.
धन्यवाद। नमो नम:
Absolutely brilliant article!
I am one of the students of the online courses and it is extremely well arranged, punctual and professional. Everything is condusive to learning and volunteers are coming up with engaging and innovative ways to help students. They are posting fun quizzes, Translation quiz, also sending speeches in sanskrit. They also keep a 10-15 mins window for doubt solving on telegram and take extra WebEx sessions for one on one learning. This is truly revolutionary move in promoting sanskrit as a language. They have gone several miles ahead of conventional teaching methods! Jayatu sanskritam, Jayatu Bharatam!
Excellent efforts by volunteers of IIT Roorkee Sanskrit Club and Samskrita Bharati in making this program highly enjoyable and easily structured learning methodology. Wish them success in their future endeavours.
Excellent initiative by Sanskrita Bharathi.
I have started learning through this initiative. Waiting for the course 2 to start on 3rd August 2020.
Keep it up. May you all grow and succeed in this endeavour.
अति उत्तमम्