As we enter into the new year, many industries are gearing up to thrive in a highly dynamic and competitive market across the globe. The advancement of technologies and changing consumers’ behavior is shaping the working of various industries worldwide. 

Here is the list of top 6 industries in the world that will continue to grow in 2020.

3Renewable Energy Industry

Renewable Energy

Increasing population and environmental concerns have paved a way for the renewable energy industry in recent times. 

According to the International Renewable Energy Agency, 28 million jobs are expected in this sector by 2050. The renewable energy industry is estimated to grow at a rate of 6.1 percent to reach $1.5 trillion by the end of 2025. 

Many big giants like Tesla are coming forward with their own Tesla solar panels. Also, electronic giant Samsung has installed more than 40,000 square meters of solar panels in South Korea to deliver renewable energy facilities. 

Many companies are taking a step ahead to reduce their carbon footprints through renewable and clean practices. 

With the adoption of modern technologies, many new industries will be seen booming in the upcoming future. The research involved in compiling this list is attributed to JSB Market Research Team


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