As we enter into the new year, many industries are gearing up to thrive in a highly dynamic and competitive market across the globe. The advancement of technologies and changing consumers’ behavior is shaping the working of various industries worldwide. 

Here is the list of top 6 industries in the world that will continue to grow in 2020.

4Construction Industry

Construction Industry


The construction industry is expected to grow substantially at a CAGR of 4.2 percent to reach $10.5 trillion by 2023 globally. 

Rising infrastructure, new market entrants are some of the drivers for the growth of the industry. Also, the shift towards automation, 3D printing, digitization, BIM (Building Information Modelling), safety, green constructions are set to boost the construction industry. The residential segment will have more demand in the construction industry. 

With the adoption of modern technologies, many new industries will be seen booming in the upcoming future. The research involved in compiling this list is attributed to JSB Market Research Team


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