Its but natural that one tends to over eat while relaxing and that takes place invariably during holidaying. But Do you know that eating just an extra biscuit every day during the holiday season could cause you to gain a kilo or more? That may not sound like much, but 10 years from now you would be weighing approx 5 to 7 kgs more than you do right now. Many people gain 2 to 3 kgs this time of the year because of the temptation of delicious treats and extravagant dinners. The holiday season is a time filled with parties, family gatherings and lots of food, but with a little help, you can keep to eating right and not more during holidays. Eating a healthy & nutritious diet makes you feel better and more energetic to enjoy your holidays without that guilt of overeating and weight gain. Here are the Top 10 tips to avoid overeating and putting on weight during holidays.

3. Eat Small Amounts of the Foods You Love

No one wants to feel deprived, so go ahead and take a small piece of pie or one cookie — but not both. Look over the buffet or the serving table, and pick out one thing that you really would love to enjoy. The rest of your plate can be filled with healthy vegetables and fruits, whole grain crackers, cheese, and lean meats.


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