Saying thank you is a small act that can make a big impression on your clients. Businesses that practice gratitude are more likely to earn customer loyalty. Demonstrating your appreciation can have a positive impact around the globe, but it’s important to approach your international audiences right. Take the time to get to know their unique cultures so you can use the following suggestions to say thank you the right way for each locale.

1. Send a Thank-You Video

A personalized thank-you video is a great way to communicate effectively with international clients. You can share a short “thank you” in their native language, followed by a more detailed message of thanks in English with captions in the client’s language. Have a native speaker review your video before you send it to the client to make sure you have proper grammar and word use.

2. Write a Personal Note

A handwritten note is one of the best ways to say thank you when you want your message to have a personal touch. Even a simple card with a brief message will have a greater impact when it has the appearance of something that was carefully done by hand. 

If you have a large quantity of notes to send, you can use a service like Handwrytten for the same authentic ink and distinct handwritten appearance, with the speed of a robotic hand. For international clients, use the native language and have a fluent interpreter make sure your message is correct.

3. Make a Social Media Post

Social media is popular around the globe. Between January 2017 and January 2018, the growth of social media users was greatest in Saudi Arabia, India, Indonesia, Ghana, South Africa, and Vietnam. Thank your international clients for their patronage with a special post on social media that’s specific either to the individual client or to a group of clients in a particular locale where your company is seeing a lot of growth.

If you offer products or services that are unique to a particular country, this is a great place to highlight that. Even users in your own country may get a thrill out of seeing how your offerings are unique in other parts of the world.

4. Give a Recommendation

In many industries, positive reviews and recommendations carry weight both ways. If you’re in a B2B company, this is especially true. You can help boost business for important clients by publicly recommending them and thanking them for choosing you for their needs. For example, if you’re in printing and create beautiful marketing materials for an international client, you can show off your work while also highlighting that client’s campaign. This can create a strong reciprocal relationship.

Taking the time to properly thank your international clients will help you retain these important relationships and open the door to new business opportunities. Showing your appreciation and gratitude for business from an international client is a great way to increase your sales in different countries and expand the reach of your growing company.

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